The Promise of Stem Cell Therapies

Alice C. Chang PHD

The advancements in stem cell research since its discovery have solidified the truth of its revolutionary impact on the medical field. Stem cells boast the ability to differentiate into different cell types as bodies age, offering new cells and replacing even the most specialized cells. As such, they have a wide range of capabilities for use in regenerative medicine for treating a myriad of diseases.

Alice Chang, Ph.D. explains that, from cancer to wound healing and tissue regeneration, stem cells are a transformative facet in clinical applications, holding much promise for the medicine’s future thanks to the easily harvested and cultured nature of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

Current Stem Cell Therapy Applications in Regenerative Medicine

According to some clinicians and scientists, it will take at least two decades before stem cell treatments become widely available. However, there are already stem cell-based therapies being used to treat patients with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:


Stem cell therapy is used in immunotherapy, a practice the utilizes the body’s immune system to attack cancerous cells. It helps the immune system work harder to fight the cells by ensuring that it can tell the difference between cancer cells and normal cells.

While there are many types of immunotherapy that treats breast and other forms of cancer, one of the most notable is CAR T-cell therapy. It’s a complex, specialized treatment wherein a practitioner collects and changes T-cells before putting the cells back into the patient’s bloodstream. The replaced cells can recognize cancer cells and will therefore know to attack them.

Heart Failure

MSCs have been used in cardiovascular regenerative therapy for decades.

In 2006, Dhein et al. found that BMSCs transplantation improved cardiac function in rabbits with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, while Davies et al reported that cord blood stem cell transplantation in an ovine heart failure model boosted the heart’s function by improving the right ventricular mass.

It’s well-documented that MSCs have a massive beneficial effect in cell transplantation, including those in different cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells.

Alice C. Chang PHD

Nerve Injury

Stem cell therapy can promote regeneration of nerve tissues in central nervous system diseases like traumatic brain injury, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Nerve injury is a common form of traumatic injury, but traditional treatments are few and far between. Thus, the use of alternative remedies, like stem cell therapy, is a fantastic opportunity. Studies report that stem cells are incredibly effective in the restoration of nerve function and the axon number.

The Future of Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies

Developing new treatments is a lengthy process characterized by seemingly innumerable steps to guarantee the highest levels of safety and effectiveness as possible. So, regenerative stem cell therapies may take around 15 to 20 years to be fully developed, with many failing to become approved despite their best efforts.

That said, the future of stem cell therapies in regenerative medicine is still particularly bright. Researchers are constantly striving to put potentially life-changing therapies for various conditions in front of regulators. Some scientists believe their adaptability will unlock treatments for type 1 diabetes, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and many more.

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